- I could not count how many times people told me: "I don’t know how to paint fabrics", "I don’t like painting fabrics", or even, "I hate fabrics!" It’s time to put an end to it. Deep research.
- We are going to cover the following topics:
- different textures: silk, velvet, etc.;
- fabric as form;
- human form and fabric;
- fabric and still life;
- fabric and composition;
- patterns and fabric.
- As far as the subject for the workshop, you can create your own composition, portrait or still life, copy a master painting, or create a series of drapery studies.
- We will meet for six hours every Monday in the course of six weeks. You will continue working at home during the week. As usual, all paintings created during the workshop will be exhibited at our gallery in Georgetown.
- We are very exited about this new project and look forward to working with you!
Price: $670
To pay online please click HERE