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Recommended reading:
"Rembrandt: The Painter at Work" by Ernst Van de Wetering
"The Materials of the Artist" by Max Doerner
"Painted portraits have a life of their own that comes from deep in the soul of the painter and where the machine can’t go. The more photographs one looks at, it seems to me, the more one feels this."
--Vincent Van Gogh
Artists recommended:
"Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter. The sitter is merely the accident, the occasion. It is not he who is revealed by the painter; it is rather the painter who, on the coloured canvas, reveals himself."-- Oscar Wilde
Lunch 1pm-1:30pm
Bethesda Studio
Lunch 1pm-1:30pm
Lunch 1pm-1:30pm
Bethesda Studio
Lunch 1pm-1:30pm
Lunch 1pm-1:30pm
Bethesda Studio
Lunch 1pm-1:30pm
Lunch 1pm-1:30pm
Bethesda Studio
Lunch 1pm-1:30pm
Lunch 1pm-1:30pm
Bethesda Studio
Lunch 1pm-1:30pm